- Раздел: Теории и направления
- Название: A Book About Colab (and Related Activities)
- Автор / Редактор: Max Schumann (Ed.)
- Год издания: 2015
- Кол-во страниц: 256
- Издательство: Printed Matter Inc
- Язык: Английский
- ISBN: 9780894390852
- Ключевые слова: Нью Йорк, Jenny Holzer, активизм, urban art, перфоманс, Collaborative Projects Inc. (Colab), публичное пространство, Christy Rupp, Charlie Ahearn, John Ahearn, Andrea Callard, Diego Cortez, Jane Dickson, Coleen Fitzgibbon, Stefan Eins, Jenny Holzer, Joe Lewis, Alan W. Moore, Joseph Nechvatal, Tom Otterness, Judy Rifka, Walter Robinson, Christy Rupp, Kiki Smith, Robin Winters
A Book About Colab (and Related Activities) traces the output of Collaborative Projects Inc. (aka Colab), the highly energetic gathering of young New York downtown artists active from the late 1970’s through the mid 1980’s. The beautifully printed, full color publication pays homage to the group’s practice of collectivity and social engagement, while reflecting an iconic period of NYC cultural history. Advocating a form of cultural activism that was purely artist driven, the group created artworks, curated shows, and engaged in discourse that responded to the political themes and predicaments of their time. With extensive documentation of the printed material and media steadily produced in the course of their collaborative undertakings (as well as many new first-hand accounts), the publication offers a look into the diverse aesthetics and concerns of the group as they embarked on The Real Estate Show, The Times Square Show, the A. More Store, and other projects.