Street Art and the War on Terror: How the World's Best Graffiti Artists Said No to the Iraq War
  • Раздел: Теории и направления
  • Название: Street Art and the War on Terror: How the World's Best Graffiti Artists Said No to the Iraq War
  • Автор / Редактор: Xavier A. Tàpies (text); Eleanor Mathieson (Ed.)
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Кол-во страниц: 176
  • Издательство: Rebellion Books
  • Язык: Английский
  • ISBN: 9780955339882
  • Ключевые слова: Doble G, Cam Bsas, Arte Ordinaria, Fdoe, Solve, стрит-арт, Dolk, TXTual (Paul Notzold), Banksy, пацифизм, 0331c, Бэнкси, Blek le Rat, граффити, активизм, Happy, Satta, Koa, Jimsee, Faile (Patrick McNeil & Patrick Miller), Bast, Arofish, A10NE, Mir, Ammocity, Skum, Roufixte Designers Productions, Noaz, Pyu, Kenor, Tom14, Trip, Uowen, Asbo, Peter Kennard, Space Hijackers, Cartrain, Asbo, Tomy, Adano, Joseph, Nicholas Lampert, Robbie Conal, Burn, Nonsense

Bringing together a stunning array of antiwar, anti-Bush, and anti-Blair graffiti from the United States, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Japan, and Australia, this gritty, controversial collection captures many unique images which have survived only a few hours between execution and clean-up. Including a chronology of opposition to the war organized by continent, and commentaries by the graffiti artists themselves, this work constitutes an essential record of political opposition since 9/11. Every major city is featured, including London, New York City, Paris, Tokyo, Milan, Baghdad, Tehran, Berlin, Munich, Marseilles, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sydney, Melbourne, and more.