- Раздел: Теории и направления
- Название: Art from the streets
- Автор / Редактор: Magda Danysz
- Год издания: 2018
- Кол-во страниц: 232
- Издательство: Drago
- Язык: Английский
- ISBN: 9788898565276
- Ключевые слова: Seth (Julien Malland), C215 (Christian Guémy), Crash (John Matos), Ludo (Ludovic Vernhet), A-One (Anthony Clark), Blade (Steven D. Ogburn), Chaz Bojorquez, Nunca (Francisco Rodrigues da Silva), Swoon (Caledonia Curry), Мариуш Варас / M-City, Шепард Фейри (OBEY), Sten & Lex, Lee Quinones, Futura 2000 (Leonard Hilton McGurr), ZEVS, Vhils (Alexandre Farto), JR, Fab 5 Freddy, Space Invader (Invader), Jef Aérosol, L'Atlas (Jules Dedet Granel), Eko Nugroho, Faile (Patrick McNeil & Patrick Miller), Dondi (Dondi White)
The book Art from the Streets presents the world’s most iconic street artists for the first time in Southeast Asia. Tracing 40 years of Street Art, the walls of ArtScience Museum located at the iconic Marina Bay Singapore will be invaded for a period of five months.