- Раздел: Периодика
- Название: Boulevard. On Tresspasing and Culture 2019/1. Classics
- Автор / Редактор: Robert Kaltenhäuser, Harald Hinz (Eds.)
- Год издания: 2019
- Издательство: Boulevard
- Язык: Английский
- Номер: 1
- Ключевые слова: стрит-арт, урбанизм, философия уличного искусства
Аннотация издателя:
"Boulevard – On Trespassing and Culture is an international, English art magazine that covers the past and present discourse of street and urban art.
The magazine considers itself an addition to other already existing magazines and publications with the purpose of presenting its content across respective country borders to a wider audience.
Superordinate topics structure each issue and offer an interesting context. The focus themes are the theory (Reprint), photography, portraits of artists (Cases), and current reviews and news (Talk). The team behind the project (Thomas Lauterberg, Dr. phil. Harald Hinz and Robert Kaltenhäuser) are a guarantee for extremely high-quality articles".
Источник: https://www.stylefile.com/urban-media-boulevard-on-trespassing-and-culture-%231-magazine/P.MA61001.html