Cross the streets
  • Раздел: Каталоги
  • Название: Cross the streets
  • Автор / Редактор: Paulo Lucas Von Vacano (Ed.)
  • Год издания: 2017
  • Кол-во страниц: 288
  • Издательство: Drago
  • Язык: Английский
  • ISBN: 9788898565221
  • Ключевые слова: стрит-арт, Chaz Bojorquez, Ron English, Mark Jenkins, Miss Van, Koralie, Microbo, Swoon (Caledonia Curry), Will Barras, Bo130, Microbo, Agostino Iacurci, Moneyless, Lucamaleonte, Hyuro, Шепард Фейри (OBEY), Sten & Lex, Fafi, Daim (Mirko Reisser), Lee Quinones, граффити, Evol (Tore Rinkveld), Galo, JR, 2501, Boogie, Bo130, Brus, Ray Caesar, Cope2, Fab 5 Freddy, Jeremy Fish, Flying Fortress, Glen E. Friedman, Camille Rose Garcia, Imos, Space Invader (Invader), 'Joe' Franceschi, Jon, Koma, Mosa One, Napal, 'Nico' Proietti, Estevan Oriol, Ozmo, Pax Paloscia, Stefano 'Pane' Monfeli, Marion Peck, Pisa, Valerio Polici, Mirai Pulvirenti, Rebus, ROA, Mark Ryden, Alessandro 'Scarful' Cataldo, Kazuki Takamatsu, Stella Tasca, Ed Templeton, Yosuke Ueno, WK Interact, Diamond, Doze Green, JBRock

Каталог выставки "Cross the Streets", прошедшей в Музее современного искусства MARCO (Рим) с 7 мая по 1 октября 2017 г. 

Cross the Streets is a multimedia exhibition that celebrates 40 years of the evolution of street art in Rome. No other city has such an untouched history and so it is fitting that Rome begins its cultural regeneration from its streets and its past. Creative inspiration has always been driven by instinct and these fleeting moments are preserved as etchings on everything from caves to catacombs, from Pasquino to propaganda murals. Rome remains one of the most important cities driving this movement and therefore it is right to celebrate it at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome (MACRO).