Kaos - Vandals in Motion
  • Раздел: Монографии художников и о художниках
  • Название: Kaos - Vandals in Motion
  • Автор / Редактор: Torkel Sjöstrand
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Кол-во страниц: 176
  • Издательство: Dokument Press
  • Язык: Английский
  • ISBN: 9789185639441
  • Ключевые слова: стрит-арт, бомбинг, граффити, бомбинг, вандализм, Kaos

Kaos - Vandals In Motion is the story about one of Europe's most famous graffiti artists. Through the words of Kaos along with an incredible number of photos, articles, flyers and multiple interviews with key players the story of Swedish and European graffiti is told. Starting out in the town of Uppsala with the arrival of graffiti and hiphop culture in the mid 80s, Kaos moved to Stockholm in 1987 where he soon became one of the most active and important graffiti writers. Kaos - Vandals In Motion shows the close link between Kaos and the development of the graffiti scene, as well as his hometown Stockholm's importance for European graffiti in general.