Basquiat. Boom for real
  • Раздел: Monographs of artists and about artists
  • Название: Basquiat. Boom for real
  • Автор / Редактор: Ed. by Dieter Buchhart, Eleanor Nairne, Lotte Johnson
  • Год издания: 2017
  • Кол-во страниц: 296
  • Издательство: Prestel
  • Язык: Английский
  • Ключевые слова: street art, SAMO©, Jean-Michel Basquiat, graffiti

Basquiat first came to prominence when he collaborated with Al Diaz to spray-paint enigmatic statements under the pseudonym SAMO©. From there he went on to work with others on collages, Xerox art, postcards, performances, and music before establishing his reputation as one of the most important painters of his generation. This book places his collaborations in a wider art historical context and looks at his career through the lens of performance.